Monaco Guerriero Shaolin della 34^ Generazione
Shi Yan Ti 释延提

 yan ti 1

少林寺Shaolin Temple
释延提 Shi Yanti

Shi Yanti : Philosopher
Zen master34th generation Shaolin warrior monk and direct disciple of Abbot Shi Yongxin of the Songshan Shaolin Temple in China. He was born in Henan Province in 1984.

By the age of 13, he started to practice kung fu and afterwards he decided to go to the Shaolin Temple. He was selected by the Shaolin Monks Corps in 2002 and immediately started training under Abbot Shi Yongxin who remained his direct master to this day.
He became a monk at elevated level at the Shaolin Temple in 2007.

The Abbot realizing his disciple’s potential, he sent him to the University of Nanjing in 2008. There he studied world religions and philosophy.
While still finishing his studies in Nanjing, the Abbot and the Chinese Government qualified him for access to Singapore University starting in 2009. He studied English
SocietyManagementPsychology and Science.

Later, when he came back to the Shaolin Temple, he continued to work with the Abbot, and was given the task to take care of Foreign Visitors.
Recently, his highly valuable background and kung fu skills have enabled him to teach Shaolin Culture, health exercises and kung fu not only in China but also in America
Africa and Europe.

Shi Yanti currently has students in all parts of the world, his task to spread Shaolin Chan Philosophy, Culture and Management has taken him to other locations around the globe and will continue to do so.
